Mount your favorite FPV quads, camera tripods, or other outdoor gear to any backpack with this kit.
Measure where you want your straps to go and use a reamer, if necessary on tougher fabrics, to create pilot holes. Sandwich the fabric of your bag between the two strap plates using the supplied hardware. The sturdy plates will hold anything in place with hook and loop or other style straps in them.
(If you are looking for parts for anything else please contact us. We can print any models you own, or fabricate anything else from scratch. It would be impossible to list everything available here.)
Kit Includes:
(2) Complete Strap Mounts
(4) Strap Mounts Front-Back Front-Back
(8) M3 8mm Hex bolts
(8) M3 8mm Hex Nuts
(8) TPU Bolt covers